Tuesday, June 6, 2017

White Water Gallery Presents:

Vermont Visions

by Gloria Berard Rowell
July 16 - August 27, 2017

Gloria Berard Rowell is a Vermont artist who has been painting and selling her art for over thirty years.  She paints with acrylic, oil or sometimes with watercolor paints. Gloria and her husband Norbert own a farm in Walden, VT where she has milked cows, helped hay and still makes maple syrup.  She runs a gift shop from their sugarhouse where she also exhibits her art.

Please join us for a reception and celebration with the artist for the final show at White Water gallery this summer. The reception is on July 16th from 4-7 p.m. Music and food provided featuring a musical conversation with cello by Paul and Melissa Perley.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

White Water Gallery Presents:

Portraits of Place
Ceilidh Galloway-Kane

Ceilidih Galloway-Kane, Craftsbury, Watercolor on Paper

June 4 to July 9, 2017

Reception for the artist on Sunday June 4th from 4-7 p.m.
Refreshments and entertainment provided.

Ceilidh Galloway-Kane was born and raised in East Hardwick, Vermont. After going to Smith College to study Art History (not to mention a brief fore in Maine) she returned to the Northeast Kingdom. Ceilidh is an arts advocate, educator and director of The Art House. She paints during the in between moments.  

Whitewater Gallery is located at 5 River Street in East Hardwick, Vermont. The Gallery is open Sundays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment (802) 563-2037.